If you would like to override a style property that has been defined inline, define your override via the style prop as demonstrated in the example above. These overrides take precedence over the theme (if any) that is used to render the component. The style prop is an object that applies its properties to the root/outermost element of the component. Some components provide additional style properties for greater styling control. If you need to override the inline styles of an element nested deep within a component and there is not a style property available to do so, please submit an issue requesting to have one added.
Praesent nec magna id lectus rhoncus sodales sed non lectus. Fusce sodales nec magna pharetra vestibulum. Ut egestas sollicitudin arcu ut vestibulum. Suspendisse tincidunt dapibus neque vitae pulvinar. Nulla et viverra quam. Pellentesque vel ultrices urna. Aliquam vulputate, sem non aliquet congue, massa enim varius dui, dictum iaculis lectus sem sollicitudin justo. Duis mattis consequat nisi, in molestie nisl porta id. Nulla facilisi. Nunc a est in nisl scelerisque dignissim. Mauris quis quam et est imperdiet volutpat nec et nunc. Nulla faucibus mollis sodales. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Morbi eu nisi odio. Nulla porttitor diam erat, at egestas sapien sagittis sit amet. Donec at arcu imperdiet, scelerisque purus ornare, lobortis sem.
All Material-UI components have their styles defined inline. You can read the discussion thread regarding this decision as well as this presentation discussing CSS in JS.